Monday, February 4, 2008

Ice, Ice Baby

Royal River Winery--the Yarmouth winery owned and operated by Westbrook's Director of Economic and Community Development, Erik Carson--was featured in this week's The Maine Switch. More specifically, The Switch profiled Royal River's ice wine, one of four produced by Maine wineries. For that article, click here.

I'd include more info about Royal River, but I don't feel like spending two dollars for the article the Press Herald published about the winery last September (way to be reader-friendly, PPH), nor do I think it would be wise to send you to a website that's under construction.

- John C.L. Morgan

P.S. Please excuse the Vanilla Ice reference. It's still early in the morning.


Gordon W.S. Lane said...

FYI on digging up that PPH article:

Sign up for free and you have access to the Maine Newsstand through Proquest (among tons of other resources).

I don't know how quickly they add news articles, but I searched and "Home winery bears fruit for Yarmouth pair" is there.

You can't link to the article, but any Mainer can get access to it.

Register at


Westbrook Diarist said...

Thanks, Gordon. In my experience, they're usually very good about updating the Maine Newsstand (I've been able to retrieve stories only a day old before), but they need to make their articles more accessible to the public (i.e. functional links). I totally agree that Maine Newsstand, Academic Search Premier, etc. are totally worth the price of admission ;)
