Friday, February 1, 2008

It's Caucus Time (Well, Almost)

Last month, some Internet hack wrote that Maine's caucuses wouldn't matter and would consequently suffer a lack of interest from everyone, including Mainers. Well, the table for November hasn't actually been set yet, so maybe Mainers won't have to settle for leftovers after all.

That's where you come in.

Westbrook Republicans will be caucusing tomorrow morning at Wescott Junior High at 11a. For more info, click here. And Westbrook Democrats will be caucusing at Westbrook High School next Sunday (February 10, for all you who are too lazy to double-click your calendar) at 3p. You can click here for more info about their caucus.

It should also be noted that Independents and unregistered voters can register as a member of either the Republican or Democratic parties at the respective caucuses, but registered party members may not switch parties to participate. So, if you're a registered Dem at this very second, sorry, you cannot participate in the Republican caucus. Nor can a registered Republican change her party affiliation in order to participate in the Democratic caucus. The deadline for registered party members' party-hopping was two weeks ago.

Unfortunately, Westbrook Republicans probably won't be graced with Tagg "yes, I suffered many playground beatings" Romney's presence tomorrow, but maybe good 'ol Dr. Ron Paul will swing through the Paper City tomorrow.

- John C.L. Morgan

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