Friday, January 4, 2008

The Thorn in the Press Herald's Side

After you've digested this morning's edition of the Portland Press Herald, fire up your Internet. When your computer thaws from its slumber, type the following into your web browser: No, I'm not carrying the Press Herald's water by telling you to read the paper's latest and shiniest Internet project. In fact, I'm probably telling you something the paper prefers you didn't know.

Since November 18, an anonymous blogger going by the pseudonym T. Cushing Munjoy (the "T" stands for Thomas and Cushing and Munjoy are nods to Cushing Island and Munjoy Hill, respectively) has been scouring the contents of the Press Herald and posts sharp criticism of nearly each edition of the paper on his blog. Unlike a lot of Internat hacks (who me?), T. Cushing Munjoy doesn't use his blog as a blunt instrument to whack at yet another member of the established media. Instead, this semi-retired editor and reporter offers constructive criticism that seems like it would fit in any newsroom. Munjoy doesn't seem to want to grind axes; he prefers the Socratic method by often posting numerous questions that the reporters and editors at the Herald probably should have asked themselves before publishing a piece. It's his way of trying to transform the Portland Press Herald into a "daily newspaper that reflects [Portland's] vibrancy and that delivers accurate, thoroughly reported, must-read local news."

A tip of the cap to Al Diamon, a well-known political columnist here in Maine, whose item about Pressing the Herald on his Media Mutt blog at gave me the heads up on the site.

- John C.L. Morgan

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