Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Voting Reminder

Voters living in Ward 1 are required to vote at Wescott Junior High School (Bridge Street); residents living in wards 2, 3, and 4 are to vote in the National Guard armory (Stroudwater Street); and voters living in Ward 5 are to vote at the Four Seasons Bingo Hall (Elmwood Avenue).

Polls are open until 8p, and a sample of the ballot can be read here.

(Update: I just returned from the armory, where poll workers described a very slow day. As of 2:30p, the workers estimated the turnout for wards 2, 3, and 4 to be about 130 voters. I hope to have citywide and ward-specific totals later tonight.)

- John C.L. Morgan

1 comment:

James T said...

The mayor was at the armory at 9:00am, saw him. It was easy I think we were the only two there :)