Wednesday, November 19, 2008


A couple days after the November 4 Republican debacle, Ray Richardson lamented the lack of farm team for that party's politicians. More relevant to Brookers (as you may have noticed, I've not yet settled on a sticky way in which to refer to people living in Westbrook), though, is Richardson's claim that Maine Democrats have eyed Westbrook City Councilor Brendan Rielly as a possible candidate for governor in the future (3:35).

Which makes sense, I suppose, when you consider Rielly (who was evidently known to his high school classmates as Bud and Zeus) articulated a desire to "[s]tudy politics and become either a Senator or Representative" in his 1988 yearbook.

On another front, I'm still working on obtaining that kindergarten essay in which little Zeus, er, Rielly expressed his desire to one day jump on the Blaine House beds.

- John C.L. Morgan

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I suggest "Westies" ...