Friday, April 30, 2010

Consensus Has Not Been Reached After All

My quick read of yesterday's PPH article on the Pidexx task force's nearly unanimous decision to limit the number of annual blasts Pike could use at their Spring Street quarry yielded the impression that the compromise was accepted--albeit reluctantly--by most stakeholders. Such an interpretetation, evidently, was inaccurrate.

Despite the task force's 8-1 vote in favor of limiting the number of Pike's annual blasts to 8 (former mayor Bruce Chuluda chose not to vote and thus did not join City Councilor John O'Hara as a dissenter, as was previously reported), the panel responsible for crafting a compromise was evidently all over the map when it came to its members' preferences. Moreover, despite the public comments in yesterday's paper that suggested--to this reader anyway--that both Idexx and Pike had accepted the panel's decree, it appears both companies are still ambivalent--publicly, at least--about how they really feel about the board's decision.

So the beat goes on. In the meantime, please excuse me while I clean some egg off my face for my overly optimistic headline yesterday.

- John C.L. Morgan

Related: Panel's Compromise Appears to Satisfy Most Stakeholders (April 29, 2010)


James T said...

At Least you didn't call a presidential election the wrong way.

Westbrook Diarist said...

That's true, James. "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN" is still in a class all by itself.