Tuesday, October 7, 2008

City Council Tables Stroudwater Place Vote

According to the PPH, the City Council tabled the votes for an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan and a request for a contract zone, both of which are needed for the proposed Stroudwater Place development to move forward.

Citing Councilor Joyce's absence (she broke an ankle over the weekend), the Council rescheduled the votes for Monday, October 20.

Update: WMTW has a brief write-up and video from the event. Anchor Tory Ryden is unable to hide her indignation for the Council's inaction (besides introducing the story with dripping disbelief, she scoffs off-camera about Susan Suzanne Joyce's inability to attend the meeting because of a broken ankle), and reporter Will Lewis refers to the project's cost as $300, instead of three-hundred million dollars. To be fair to Lewis, both numerals do include a '3' and some zeroes.

- John C.L. Morgan

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