Friday, May 20, 2011

School Superintendent Lobbies for Passage of Budget Referendum

The vote will be a make-or-break moment for the budget, and Interim School
Superintendent Marc Gousse knows it. After taking the reins in March, he took on
the task of deciding what--and who--to cut from the budget. Now, Gousse is
trying to get the word out to the public in advance of the June 7 vote, and is
asking for support. "Education is an investment," he said. "The generous support
we get from taxpayers will pay dividends down the road."
- John C.L. Morgan


James Tranchemontagne said...

With the city budget and the school budget combined, that is $1,500,000 out of disposable income out of Westbrook economy. Once again, with Pike it show a city that loves unions jobs through taxes and not the private sector. Can't tell you how many times this city screwed me over for bringing $300,000 investments and creating 22 jobs to there downtown, Hope this city wakes up.
You can't stop the city budget but you can vote no on the school budget.

Anonymous said...

What are yountalking about?